MayoPlus silver package is for you if you are already established and need a fairly large online presence. What we will give you is as follows:
A MayoPlus subdomain "" (no charge) or if you already have a domain name we can build on to that for you.
- Pages as follows: Home, About, Shop & Contact, Product categories one to six with ten sub categories and room to spare. Max one hundred products.
- Products to be sold through PayPal. Seller must supply quality product photographs and product information. Other payment gateways are subject to a price review.
- Secure socket included.
- Hosting
- PayPal setup included.
- One off cost €800 and €100 per year hosting and telephone support (email support Saturdays & Sundays)
If using a subdomain of MayoPlus, MayoPlus code of conduct must be adhered to.